CoolestFamilyEver Blog

Of Tea Bags and Temper Tantrums: An Open Letter to Today's Tea Party Protestors 12

Of Tea Bags and Temper Tantrums: An Open Letter to Today's Tea Party Protestors

Dear Teabaggers, You’re new here, aren’t you? I mean to the whole protesting thing. And the small government thing. Let’s have a talk before you embarrass yourselves any further.

Utah Democratic Party Perpetuates Clinton Surplus Myths 27

Utah Democratic Party Perpetuates Clinton Surplus Myths

The Utah Democratic Party seems to be about as truth challenged as the mis-guided and hypocritical “teabaggers” throwing hissy fits parties today. (Seriously, where were you guys when Bush racked up trillions in deficits? Worshiping at the shrine of fellow...

An Experience with a Private Park 2

An Experience with a Private Park

As part of our trip to Sacramento, Shauna and I took a one-night getaway to Monterey for our anniversary. As part of that, we did 17 Mile Drive, a scenic trip down the coast that takes you through beaches, cliffs,...

Twitter Updates for 2009-04-01 0

Twitter Updates for 2009-04-01

Had to make a call to Bermuda. Instead of paying Sprint $1.49/min, I used the free balance in Google Voice at $0.09/min. WIN! # Powered by Twitter Tools.

Twitter Updates for 2009-03-31 0

Twitter Updates for 2009-03-31

I’m telecommuting from Sacramento. I love my job. # Jack Thompson has zero credibility. Why anyone would want to be on the same side as him is well beyond me. # Just upgraded Eve on my laptop and found that...

Twitter Updates for 2009-03-29 0

Twitter Updates for 2009-03-29

Just got on I-15. Sacramento, here we come. # @cboyack That doesn’t even include the 4+ hours in front of other screens. # Approaching Wendover. Liam is doing quite well for his first road trip. # Just made it to...

Twitter Updates for 2009-03-28 0

Twitter Updates for 2009-03-28

We crunched numbers and it looks like we can make things work with the severance. I’ll work some OT and sell my plasma (seriously). # @triplej2676 That’s why I use a send delay in Outlook. It’s also saved me from...

Twitter Updates for 2009-03-27 0

Twitter Updates for 2009-03-27

Ask and thou shalt receive. I asked for overtime, I get a 20+ hour database rebuild. God gives you what you need, sometimes in strange ways. # Most of my cold symptoms are gone, but I can’t shake this cough....

Twitter Updates for 2009-03-26 0

Twitter Updates for 2009-03-26

@windley Given how cheap RAM is, there really isn’t an excuse to NOT have 8GB anymore. Other than OS support. in reply to windley # I feel GREAT! Went to bed at 8P, kid didn’t wake up until 3:30AM, went...